Kérjük itt adja meg a belépéshez szükséges adatokat. A regisztrációhoz vegye fel a kapcsolatot kollégánkkal.
Kérjük itt adja meg a belépéshez szükséges adatokat. A regisztrációhoz vegye fel a kapcsolatot kollégánkkal.
Kérjük, itt adja meg a belépéshez szükséges adatokat. A regisztrációhoz vegye fel a kapcsolatot kollégánkkal.
Main topic of the event held in Budapest will be one of the key issues of greening the building industry: Green Retrofit, sustainable renovation of buildings.
Registration is now open to the Build2Gether Green Retrofit international conference - during the one-day event we can attend the presentations of world-renowned professionals of the field of sustainability, and the programme will be closed by a tour in a sustainably renovated building.
Not only building sustainable buildings, but sustainable renovation is a key issue of greening the building industry.That’s why Green Retrofit will be the main topic of the annual conference of Central-Eastern-European GBC-s, Build2Gether conference. The event, hosted by Hungary Green Building Council, will be held on the 24th of September, during World Green Building Week. Location of the one-day event will be Eiffel Palace, a sustainably renovated historical building, one of the highlights of sustainable architecture in Hungary. Speakers of the conference will include world renowned professionals of the area of sustainability: Professor Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, PhD Director of Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP), founding member of HuGBC, Nobel Prize recipient, or James Drinkwater, Senior Policy Advisor (Europe Regional Network) of World Green Building Council. Welcoming speech will be held by Mr Pál Baross, President of Hungary Green Building Council. Office-holders and representatives of GBC-s of Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and Croatia will also present on the event.
This conference will bring together green building council members and professionals from all around the Build2Gether regional network. It will offer presentations from industry experts as well as high level discussions on the topic of sustainable development and the value of retrofitting existing buildings. The conference will be closed by a tour led by Mr Zsolt Gyöngyösi, board member of HuGBC in the recently renovated Eiffel Palace, former palace of Pesti Hírlap, which has become the first dual certified office building in Hungary and thus a great example of sustainable renovation of a historical building.
Registration is already open! Read more on the programme of the conference and register here.
The language of the conference is English.
Programmes celebrating World Green Building Week in Hungary will include Green Walk, a series of tours led by professionals in the most significant examples of sustainable architecture in Hungary. Read more about the event here.
Forrás: http://hugbc.hu